So last night Erik and I spent time with the two most silent people on the planet. Take all of my awkward social retardation, times it by a million, then split it between two people and that's about it. They're very nice, and actually quite enjoyable, but well... a party for them involves sitting on the couch and staring at the floor with other people in the room. That sounds mean, but I promise it's not.
Anyway, Erik usually compensates for this because he's the social superstar and can usually make friends and conversation with anyone, but he left me alone for two minutes to get his phone out of the car.
Two minutes.
For two whole minutes.
I realized I was going to have to fill that void for TWO WHOLE MINUTES
The fact that I was gearing up for it just shows how retarded my social skills are. But! I did it. I spread my social wings and made some dumb joke and we talked about video games for Two Whole Minutes. I was very proud of myself that when erik came back 120 seconds later we were still talking and nary a silent awkward moment descended on the table.
Just thought I'd share my rediculous victory.
5 years ago