Tuesday, September 30, 2008

History repeats itself

Regardless of whether we learn from it. So we're facing a crisis! My bank has folded in on itself, the corperate bailout has been overturned, and the whole economy has gone down the toilet. It's okay. I'm sure we'll find some old goldfish friends down there we've forgotten about.

It's curious, being young and poor, to witness a very important aspect of our society it itself and not really have any hand in the crisis. I feel like an alien who can just get back in the space ship and hang out on Mars until this blows over. But I can't. Hm. I can, however, delve into my history documentaries and string up little color coded threads indicating what has been and what is and what will be. Anyone up for another depression? I sure am! We don't have a choice! We're experiancing a major shift in wealth, and although our country will eventually get out of it, we won't ever be the same.

I'm curious to see how this will pan out. I feel like sitting out on the corner with a "The End is Nigh" sign to perpetuate the absurdity of the situation. Only in jest, though. The end isn't nigh. It's never the end. But the change is nigh. Should be fun.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Some woman nearly cried today as she was asking me how to fix her VHS player. The phrase "I have such beautiful tapes" came up several times and I had to go over adjusting the tracking to get rid of that funny line at least four times. Nothing stuck. Even after I told her for the fifth time that I'm not in the business of repairing tape players and she decided to peruse the clearence she yelled back at me "What if this doesn't work?" I responded that she should talk to a professional who would actually be able to fix it for her. "But I don't have the MONEY FOR THAAAAAAAAT" whaaaaaaaaaambulance.

Honestly, I felt bad for her. I really did! She's old, she obviously can't handle the advent of new technology and is grasping at straws. I'm not even sure how she made the leap to VHS back in the eighties to begin with. I'm sure it was very hard. But I am not the answer to all her problems in VHS. Nor is the bookstore. Because we're a fucking Bookstore.

Is it just me, or do we have a giant neon sign only visible to the craziest of the nutsos pointing through our door? I'll bet it says "Hey, make friends with the nerds here! They'd love to hear how the president is really a cockroach in a person suit and you got a new high score in donkey kong."

the sign lies.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I'm starting to get the idea that everyone ahead of me in life has only got there through absolute idiocy and the only thing holding me back is my refusal to give up my brain, and my inability to be openly mean to others.

Everyone being our lovely district manager, by the way.

It's just disheartening when two years with a company gets you jack shit of respect, oh and any attempt to help out by opening your mouth only warrents a "Who the fuck asked you to talk" look.

In other news, I have a funeral to attend on Saturday, for friend's parent. I've been avoiding this friend for a while, after she sort of tried to screw over her family and any friends she hadn't completely pushed away before that point, and I'm not even sure if she'll be at the funeral. If she is, I expect to be hit. I don't really want to be hit, but I suppose I owe her at least one for avoiding her.

Hm. I thought I was in a good mood, but this seems to be a pretty depressing post. I should solve that...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The day the music died.

"Yeah... I just didn't like it as much as her other stuff. I guess I should have looked at the date. She got way better with age."
-One of our customers, on returning No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom.

And, as promised: The sorts of people who make me proud to belong to this species.

-The people behind the National Geographic channel, The History Channel, and PBS.

-The people who restore Corvairs. (seriously the nicest car people in the world)

-Volunteer history museum curators (even nicer than corvair people.)

-BOB ROSS. Dead, and still the best man on television.


-Taxidermists. (whom I consider an equivilant to vegitarians, only about a billion times cooler)

-People who make obscure literary and or Arrested Development jokes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The sorts of people who piss me off.

A semi comprehensive list.

>People who use the word crazy as a substitute for "kooky" "wacky" or "silly" as in "Megan you're so craaaaazy! eheheheheheheheheheh." No I'm not. Crazy is trying to cut of your own finger because that's where the bad thoughts are hiding, or dropping out of school because you've run out of paths to take to class where people can't see you, or you stop eating because all the food is contaminated. Crazy is not "lol wacky."

>People who use "cute" phrases like "Spank you!"

>People who say Danka or Gratzi! for thank you when they speak neither language those words belong to. Because they think it's cute. Are we sensing a pattern?

>People who ask questions so they can make obnoxious dissaproving faces regardless of how valid your answer might be. Fucking buy counter.

>People who drive SUVs with rediculoud soundsystems so they can pound their shitty music into your skull from behind.

>Ricer douchebags who don't know how to put on a hat.

>Ricer douchebags who aren't exactly sure what an engine is, other than it gets in the way of their body kit.


>The people who run oil companys who've bought the patents that would have allowed for fule economy in the 100 mpg range as far back as the seventies only to sit on them as their wallets get fatter off our exceedingly wasteful methods for powering cars.

>People who can't control their children. It's called a spanking. It works.

Soon to come: the sorts of people who overcompensate for this shit gallery.