Sunday, December 28, 2008

Phone call shmone call

"Hello, thank you for calling Half Price Books Tacoma, how may I help you?"
"Yeah, do you guys do vaccinations there?"
"No... this is a bookstore."

Sometimes I cannot explain my job.

In other news I got an angry Batman for Christmas. He's SO ANGRY. I want to take pictures and make him say horrible things to Robin.

Monday, December 22, 2008

My latest sewing victory:

I made a horrible plush of The Warden from Superjail.

I used Shrinky Dinks for the glasses, even though Erik was certain I was making it up and there is no such thing as Shrinky Dinks. My mom knew what they were.

This shot better shows off his suit. I was very proud of being able to sew a coat with tails from the memory of what my choir teacher's looked like. Not like I was constantly admiring his backside, or anything.

And as for proof that he's supposed to look terrible, this is a shot from the show:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Great Storm...

I'm as snowed in as one can be in Washington, last night I made shortbread cookies shaped like gingerbread men and snow flakes, and I've got a full pot of coffee. Blizzards aint so bad. I just wish Erik were here instead of attempting to deliver papers. I swear he'd have better luck on a snowbord.

Also last night I found the most amazing christmas story ever, courtasy of some girl named Lindsay:

Every whore down in New York liked christmas alot,
But Rorschach, who lived in a rundown apartment,
Did Not!

Rorshach Hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.
It could be that his fedora wasn't screwed on quite right.
It could be, perhaps, that his trench was too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all,
may have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
But whatever the reason,
his heart or his trench,
he stood there on Christmas Eve, emitting a stench,
staring down from his window with a sour blotted frown
at the coked out pimp with a drug deal going down.
For he knew every New Yorker in the city below
would shout up to him "Save us!"
and he'd whisper "no."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So last night I got to go on stage as an allumni (for high shcool.) Choir was a super big deal in high school, and each year at the winter concerts they have two pieces during which they ask the attending allumni to come up and sing with the current choir. The last piece was The Halleluja Chorus which is actually a lot of fun to sing. And I vaugly remembered my part, but it was nice to see that the soprano I was standing next to had music to share. Until about three bars into the song and I realized this girl does not know how to read music, she is mouthing the words next to me, and that she keeps flipping the pages at whatever she thinks might be the right time to turn the page. Which means while I'm trying to read my part she's flipped the page over to the base line. GAAAAH!

So I was trying to figure out which would be more rude, to yoink the music from her, and show her that really a blind monkey could follow choral music, honestly the words are RIGHT THERE, or to just let her flounder as I sang Handel to the best of my memory?

Well as it turns out I remember more of Halleluja than I thought i did.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stupid decisions

I should know better than to pick up sequals. When I worked in a library after school I found a wonderful book, and just recently I picked up a sequal written probably ten years later? I think. It's terrible. It's like the author completely forgot what made his character so interesting in the first place, and moulded her into that lump of whatever he thinks will most appeal to the average teenager of today.

This is almost as bad a betrayal as that time I finally decided to read the Jan Brett version of Puss In Boots instead of marvel at the pictures. I still can't really like that story.

Anyway, in completely unrelated news, my tree's been trimmed, presants bought, there's a nativity on the mantle (for posterity's sake), and I'm nearly finished making a scary plush doll of the warden from superjail. And tonight I think I'm even singing the Halleluja chorus! If I can make it safely across the bridge. Oh yeah, christmas, it's on. I'm gunnin for ya.