Sunday, August 31, 2008

Social butterfly

So last night Erik and I spent time with the two most silent people on the planet. Take all of my awkward social retardation, times it by a million, then split it between two people and that's about it. They're very nice, and actually quite enjoyable, but well... a party for them involves sitting on the couch and staring at the floor with other people in the room. That sounds mean, but I promise it's not.

Anyway, Erik usually compensates for this because he's the social superstar and can usually make friends and conversation with anyone, but he left me alone for two minutes to get his phone out of the car.

Two minutes.

For two whole minutes.

I realized I was going to have to fill that void for TWO WHOLE MINUTES

The fact that I was gearing up for it just shows how retarded my social skills are. But! I did it. I spread my social wings and made some dumb joke and we talked about video games for Two Whole Minutes. I was very proud of myself that when erik came back 120 seconds later we were still talking and nary a silent awkward moment descended on the table.

Just thought I'd share my rediculous victory.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I am twenty three today.

That's pretty much all, except that now I've only two years to go with a clean bill of mental health before I can scratch Schizophrenia off my list of worries. And now I can say twenty three instead of twenty two, which is awesome because I really don't like saying twentytwo. It's such a goofy number. Twentythree seems so much more respectable.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Epic Win.

So, after two years, I finally printed off another hard copy of my book. Aaaaand I discovered that once I included the three chapters accidentally omitted I have over 56000 words, placing me well over the general 40k minimum for first time YA authors. I'm so fucking stoked over this, because despite going on long in story club I'm a fairly succinct person.

However, because I write in a non ms word type program because I hate all the squiggles, I ran a spell check on these 56 thousand words and Holy Shit why didn't anyone tell me my spelling was so bad. It's SO BAD. So bad.

Thought for the night:

Don't you just hate walking around the house naked only to realize the windows were open? Fuuuck.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Messiah of Teh Intarblag

I feel as though I am looking at the answer to all of mankind's problems, but the answer is so magnificent that if I were to comprehend even a tiny portion of it my mind would collapse in on itself.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

You're breakin my balls, ford.

Dear Ford motor company,

Did you really just tout 27 mpg or better on all your automobiles as a major accomplishment? Really? Twenty seven? Ford, a 1970's volkwagen could get twenty seven if tuned properly. Are you really telling me that in 38 years of good ol' american enginuity and know how, we still can't do any better than that... and we're going to celebrate it through a commercial?

Fuck you, Ford Motor Company. And quit breakin' my balls.

Love and Kisses,

In other news, I need therapy. But only so I can write a therapy session without feeling like a great big fat Holden Caulfield PHONY.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So apparently I can refit a fitted shirt with relative ease, dispite having never messed with anything more complex than a tee shirt before, but when it comes to finding my bra to try the shirt on, I am hopeless. Fuuuuuuuck.

Also, erik can refit a carburator to run on 40% water, so that means 40% less gas going into the car *ca-ching!* and 40% of my emmisions being oxygyn. Suck my dick, Prius!

You know... if I had one...

It does infuriate me that with all of the inovations in fuel all we've got now is some stupid slow ass battery driven car that gets just as much gas milage as a geo metro (srsly) and totally fuckers any enviroment that has to handle the battery. Especially when some dude can drive an old chevy truck across this state the long ways and never have to stop for gas, just by using the gas the way it ought to be used. And some hippie back in the seventies already got his volkswagen running on rain water.

if erik converts the type three squareback I'll have a HydroVagen. Sweeeet.