As with most things I take any interest in, my recent innaguration into the world of comics has made me want to write one on my own. But something actually may come out of this... too early to tell if it's anything good, or if I'll even finish it.
I think what I'd really like to do is to create a magnificent opus of all the crazy ideas i've got swimming in my head. That way I'd touch on everything, get it all out in one go, and then get to become a hermit and never see or speak to anyone again. I think i could do it. Worked for Harper Lee. Unfortunately I doubt I could be quite as sussinct as Harper Lee. And I'm too concerned with other people's opinions of me to become an actual hermit. And how's a girl with no credentials and a portfolio that the criptkeeper would find a bit too eerie to get published with the Big Six all concerned over the next Twilight Saga? I'm clinging to the hope that somebody over at McSweenys will like me.
Why does the seemingly noble idea of writing a novel make me feel like such a whore?
In other news I found out that my favorite Flying Neutrinos song "Violent Love" is actually a cover of an Oingo Boingo song. Listen to both of these, and you will know how hard I tripped over this.
this is worse than that time I realized the song at the beginning of Wonder Years is actually a Beatles song
5 years ago
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